Sunday, January 26, 2014

Why Pole "Fail" Videos are as Important as the Successess

The other day the lovely Heidi Coker
( Heidi's FaceBook Fan Page)
posted a pole video of nothing but repeated unsuccessful attempts of trying to get into a move.

Here is a link to the video:

Heidi Coker's "Crash and Burn" Video

I believe that as we see photos and videos of the beautiful talented people in our pole community, it is far too easy to see them as superior beings and to feel like we are not on "their level."

I get such inspiration from Sarah Scott's strength videos and Anastasia's performances, but what really gives me joy, (and it sounds wrong without context), are the fail videos.

I say "fail" loosely.
Pole in one sense is probably at least 50% fails.
We need strength and loads of training and repetition in order to become the polers we are.
It's a lot of fucking hard work and pain, and there are more unsuccessful moments than we would like to remember or experience. (Hence the title "Sweat, Blood, and Hot Pants.")
But speaking generally, the videos, especially of championship winners and famous polers where they are working hard to get moves, where you can see them struggling, these are as necessary for the pole community as well as inspirational award-winning performance videos.

These videos show us that our idols still have to work hard and struggle.
We may know this in our heads, but seeing it is a whole other experience
We can have visual evidence that they don't always succeed, just like the rest of us (those of us who aspire to be like them).

Dirdy Birdy's Fonji "Some Successes and Some Fails" video is what gave me the true inspiration to get my Fonji - I didn't have to get it the first time - or the first handful. If she can't do it right away, that means it will be difficult for me as well. If I didn't see this, I would have been more frustrated than I was when I tried because it seems like it should be something everyone can do.
We can become disillusioned in our world that things are easier than they really are because how graceful and painless our lovely stars and idols make them look.
Not to mention that the painful moves are more easy to get - I think - than say the ones like Birds of Paradise that require some intensive flexibility which means we need a whole other discipline to be working on at the same time rather than getting into the move/pose alone.

Thank you Heidi (and Dirdy Birdy) for sharing this video of multiple falls - not every poler wants to share their unsuccessful or un-perfect videos for reasons I completely understand as well,
but I will remember these videos on my continued pole journey of frustration and unsuccessful attempts in the future. 


  1. I love this! I have to admit it's really hard to post videos that aren't at an acceptable level of grace, precision, etc. Only recently started doing it myself... I think we have a fear I being not good enough, or not up to par with others at our perceived level. I know I'm guilty... But l have experience more fails in my own practice than successes for sure! Thanks for posting!

  2. Thank you so much for sharing! I know it cannot be easy showing videos where you aren't nailing a move. It almost feels counter-intuitive I think! I really means a lot for us to see how to hard you train in order to be where you are :) It makes you human and I think it allows us, your fans, to feel like we can breathe because we all have to work hard to be where we want to be and it's possible <3 Adore you!
