Monday, January 27, 2014

What Pole Can Do for You and Misconceptions People Have About Starting Pole Dancing

Today on Instagram a beautiful girl told me that she wanted to do pole but she said:
-She has never danced before
-She has little upper body/core strength

These are two common ones. And here are more that I hear:

- "I am not coordinated"
- "I don't feel sexy"
- "I'm not comfortable being sexy or dancing"
- "I'm not strong/I can't even do a pull up"
- "I'm not flexible"
- "I'm too fat/overweight"

etc. etc. there are many different ones.

What non-polers should know is that
1) Most people have at least some (if not all) of these thoughts before they try pole
2) You do not need to be a dancer, or strong, or flexible, etc, before you try pole, POLE GIVES YOU THESE THINGS (if you want them ;) )

I was not strong when I started. I was not flexible. I never danced. I never expressed sexy movements in public. I couldn't do pull-ups my whole life.

Pole does not expect things from you. Pole is there to help you get what it is that you want. And, pole is a tool you that allows you to express who you are.

I am not a dancer. I never have been.
I was a gymnast from ages 5-12, and after that I played every generic sport and eventually stopped those to follow music (which I gave up on quickly).
Before I started pole I had spent over 5 years doing no physical activities and I never worked out besides the occasional run.

I am okay with not being a "polerina" or even a good dancer.
I can dance, and I will. I find it can be fun and I enjoy occasionally dancing in heels and putting a sexy choreography together.
But all in all this is not my true style.
My style is my personality and it's what my strengths are (what I feel are my strengths are).
In my case I like strength, and what I see as cool tricks, and intensity.
(Intensity is subjective. A simple stare can be intense. It just fit with the moment of that sentence.)
I of course want to, and can work on and improve upon, my dancer skills and be better at them.
But in general I like my style and I'm happy with it.

My point being - you don't HAVE to be ANYTHING when it comes to pole.
Pole allows you to be who you are.
It opens you up by building your confidence and providing a framework through which you can test out various styles until you find your own.

I know famous polers who are not flexible and never care to be.
I know pole dancers that only will ever wear high high heels and/or only do spin pole.
I know experienced polers who just won't even attempt certain tricks because they don't want to.
These polers have found what it is they want from pole and they don't need to be anything other than what they want.

Since I started pole I am stronger, more confident, more flexible, and still progressing on every realm because pole is motivating me - it's a tool helping me get to these goals and it's allowing me to learn things I wouldn't have otherwise known.

The general statement is:
Try pole.
It will give you a means to express who you are, and show you things about yourself that you wouldn't otherwise discover.
You don't have to be strong, or athletic, or flexible, or confident or whatever.
I urge everyone to give it a chance because I know the magic it has had on me and so many other people.
We have a supportive, loving, caring and fun community of beautiful women (and some men) that want to help you succeed and find yourself.

Also, I'm always here for advice, help, questions, whatever :)
If this made you want to pole, please tell me (I love to hear it).
And please share this with your friends - I want to continue to break down the misconceptions that people have that keep them from trying it out because it really is magic hidden in plain sight that you can't understand until you experience it for yourself.

If you are still nervous to try it - bring a friend and don't come with expectations, just enjoy the fact that you are experiencing something new :)


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