Tuesday, August 20, 2013

First Entry. Where I Am and Where I Want to Go.

During the first part of my teacher training for pole at Boulder Spirals this weekend, Sasha encouraged us to start a journal of our journey.
While I have already begun my pole career, I know that only having done pole for 7+ months there is so much up to achieve.
Teacher training is only the first step to me. After there are classes, more learning, more training, and hopefully, someday, my own studio.
While I see my ultimate goals far off for various reasons (school, lack of money, lots of pole to learn still myself) for this to eventually happen, I dream.

Training is going well. I was not prepared for what I felt was coming but I feel that is almost better, like a life-lesson in itself. I will not always be able to know what's coming up in my next class, or how I even want to warm us up before we begin. I will admit, however, that since I desire and am often good at whatever I try, to have frustration and not be amazing all of the time here can be difficult. Which I know is an annoying lesson itself.

Today I talked to a new guy at work and he told me he knows of a friend in Indiana who is 26 and owns her own studio. He inquired for me about how she approached this fantastic dream I have in her own life and she gave me plenty of useful tips. Small and vague and not something I can put into action now, but it's all stepping stones for me. I'm already thinking about how I want my studio to look, and thus far this woman has inspired me in more ways than one...

This is the woman's studio who gave me advice. (Credit and appreciation to Danielle Violet Carroll and her studio Violet Expressions). It's nice to not only look up to the beautiful international pole stars I want to be, but to see a young woman who I feel is closer to me that makes me believe more in my dreams manifesting.

I am sleepy and feel I am not babbling, but this is entry one of a, hopefully, very long tale.

<3 Lindsay

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